Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

Fikir-Outhebox- Concept of "Thinking Outside The Box"

Hi all & hope all is well out there =)

Ewah..mentang 2 la tajuk blog fikir-outhebox..
Harusla mengepos entry2 related to blog header kan?
Ngeee..ok guys, seriously, I really want to share with you how
to think outside the box
which means "moving out from your comfort zone to find innovative solutions"

Lets start..
Bukannya takde article or techniques about outhebox ideas in BM
but I prefer English cause there are so many infos about outhebox ideas in English
later on I will qoute outhebox idea in BM yah..sabar..~
Bur for the start, lets begin with the English version first
I would like to introduce to you about the theory of outhebox idea
Of course I'll post out many practical outhebox ideas later on
Tapi sbb blog ni pon baru & tujuannya utk bg infos & beri
pendedahan related to outhebox ideas concept
Lets start with the concept first ya..will ya? loike positive people=)

Now..( a bit boring oredi with my entry?please don't babe cause i just want to start..ngeeee:D)
According to Vadim Kotelnokov (ai thinks he's Russian), founder & coach of Ten-3-Business E-Coach,
Outhebox idea is:

Powerful Concept
The notion 'thinking outside the box' is far more than just another management cliché. It is a very powerful concept worthy of deeper consideration in today's complex and rapidly changing world. 

Leave Your Comfort Zone
Thinking outside the box is never easy, nor is it merely a reflection of mental brightness. To leave your psychological comfort zone and explore "solutions in the unknown world on the outside requires large measures of mental agility, boldness, and creativity-and/or an inspirational leader who makes life in the old box so uncomfortable that getting out is the only option. The future rests in those willing and able to do so.

Step Out of Your Shoes
Change hats and your thinking mode. Stepping out you eveready shoes and into the shoes of others may help you surface new insights to a problem.

Challenge Assumption
Challenging assumption means questioning the everyday things you take for granted. "The best assumpetion to have is taht any commonly held belief is wrong," says Ken Olson, CEO of Dec. The natural thing to do is the thing you have always done. Every time you approach a problem you bring your accumulated experience, knowledge and training to bear on it. But this includes you accumulated assumptions and biases – conscious and unconscious. The more experienced and expert you are, the more likely you are to assume outcomes by extrapolating from the known facts and experiences to predict a result. This mental baggage can prevent you from accepting innovative ideas.

Ask Searching Questions
Creativity requires an inquisitive mind. Unless you ask lots of  "why?" and "What if"? questions, you won't generate creative insights. "To avoid this most common of creative errors, be sure to peek under all carpets, including your own. Don't take anything for granted. Especially success. Try looking at the world through more inquisitive eyes, try getting ideas motion, try asking the all-important. "why?"see what happens!

Amacam? boring oredi with the theory? I'm excited instead~ (berlagak) sbb ai sgt berminat dgn outhebox kita blh create idea2 yg kebabom..Infos&theories di atas sgt penting as a brainstorm especially kalu memerlukan kita menyelesaikan masalh..bayangkan tiba2 bos panggil masuk meeting then tanya penyelesaian masalah psl probs tersebut..There you go!!apply these theories..let me summarise to you:

Keluar dari zon selesa kita sekarang..banyakkan berfikir & bertanya soalan "bagaimana"..jangan selalu buat anggapan terhadap sst perkara & cabar satu-satu kemungkinan..OK ya all...dh ada idea utk berfikir di luar kotak..?

Ok, nnt next post kt practic outhebox theory2 di atas ok..that's all for now~till the next entry..

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